Profile HD

Position: Head of UPKL Departments

The duties of the Head of Department
The Heads of Department are chosen and appointed by the Secretary General.
The Heads of Departments must fulfill the following tasks.

The job: what are the main tasks?

1) The manager must organize the Department, referring to the sector of competence, selecting and establishing a National Committee in each Member State of the European Union.
To open a National Committee in non-EU countries, it is necessary to request the approval of the Secretary General.

2. The manager draws up, updates, harmonises and validates the development plans of the Committees and is responsible for the quantitative and qualitative results.

3. The manager must comply with the guidelines of the UPKL policy and has decision-making and economic autonomy within the limits of the financial resources of the Department in compliance with costs and revenues, including the allocation of shares to the central administration (UPKL General Management) and peripheral (Committees)

4. The manager organize events to promote the UPKL political it explain objectives and projects to each head committee affiliates at department, the communication of each activity must be approved by the Vice President or in his absence by the Secretary General.

5. The manager proposes the appointment of the National Committee Heads, to the Secretary General who has the task at his discretion of transforming the proposal into an executive resolution.

6. The manager coordinates and motivates the head national Committees to achieve the objectives assigned and / or agreed with the Secretary General.

7. The manager proposes improvement plans to the UPKL procedures, which it puts in place only after their approval.

8. The manager takes care of the registration of affiliates and promotes their participation in UPKL initiatives and projects according to the provisions and procedures received from the Secretary General.

Job hierarchy: how important are individual jobs?
The tasks are of equal importance, the ideal candidate will therefore be able to manage his own time and organize his business respecting this principle.

Define the objectives: what objectives must the person in charge of the offered position achieve?
The Head of Department elaborates the annual quantitative and qualitative objectives and presents them to the Secretary General by July 31 of each year who approves / rejects them or requests changes within 15 days of receipt.
The verification of the achievement of the objectives, with the Secretary General, is quarterly.

Future developments: Is there a possibility that the mentioned tasks will change in the future?

The Head of Department for merits acquired in the field, can be admitted as an observer Member to the work of the Council.

The ideally desired criteria

To optimally fill the role, the ideal candidate possesses the following requirements

Formal requirements: school / academic training,

The candidate has a degree in pedagogical, humanities or physical education disciplines or a high school diploma.

It enjoys an excellent international reputation

The candidate has at least 10 years of work experience in managerial positions, preferably in institutional or public employment contexts.

Specialist requirements: skills, specific knowledge:

The candidate have a knowledges and skills specific to the service / product.

The candidate speak fluent of the English or French and have the computer skills and good skills for use of Office, Joomla, Moodle packages as well as the use of videoconferencing platforms.

Social and managerial skills:

The ideal candidate is able to manage leadership, uses a method of analysis and risk assessment, listens and compares with collaborators, colleagues and superiors to make the autonomous decisions required by the role. She manages stress with excellent resilience skills and knows how to create friendly environments with a high level of professionalism.

Methodical skills:

The ideal candidate is able to organize and structure the work of his collaborators, think strategically by analyzing scenarios, is able to adapt tactics to implement plans by adapting to adverse events or changed operating conditions, has excellent communication skills.

Self-assessment of the candidate with reference to the requisites required

Before sending the CV, the Candidate will have to process the self-assessment of her profile by attributing the right weight to her skills and competences on a scale from 1 to 6 points; where the values ​​correspond to:

1) "absent requirement"

2) "Requirement to be improved"

3) "Sufficient requirement"

4) "Good requirement"

5) "Excellent requirement"

If you want to apply please send your CV with cover letter and expression of interest to the position complete with contact references
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