TCP to products extensions
- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: Sunday, 09 August 2020 14:01
- Written by Super User
- Hits: 3145
To extend your approved product portfolio, we have a fair, impartial and systematic process. The process can take between five business days and up to six weeks. This depends on the ability of the TCP to meet the criteria and complete the application, or whether external quality assurance intervention is required.
This is a free service! We do not charge fees to extend the approved product portfolio to the recognized TCP. However, we have solid processes and we expect a high level of compliance with the requirements for carrying out the activities carried out in the periods preceding the request for extension of the product portfolio. You must ensure that you fully comply with all the Conditions of the TCP recognized U.P.K.L. and the Terms of Approval required for the release and delivery of the product or for the products that the TCP is authorized to offer. In the event of compliance verification actions, investigations or pending sanctions, we will refuse the request of the TCP to extend the product portfolio.
To submit an extension application, identify the product and verify its suitability for the condition of the product. You can then submit an application via the U.P.K.L. Upon receipt of the application, we will review the suitability of the TCP and conduct a series of due diligence checks that consist of a review of our internal data and records and a review of performance, compliance and risk profiles. If the TCP is not eligible to submit the application, we will decline the request within five business days. If further information or clarification is needed, the question will be returned with comments or an action plan.
Upon receipt of the completed application, we will carry out rigorous checks on the application and evidence to ensure that all criteria have been met. Once satisfied we confirm the result. We will always respond within five business days of receipt. Where the intervention of the External Audit Officer is required he will contact you to schedule the visit ten days in advance and conduct the visit in accordance with their plan to sample and verify all evidence as required by the TCP recognized by UPKL and the Product Approval Conditions.