TCP interest conflicts

A conflict of interest is a situation in which an organization or individual has competing interests or loyalties. In the case of an individual, the conflict of interest could undermine or appear to undermine their decisions if not managed properly.

A conflict of interest can be perceived or actual. A perceived conflict of interest is a situation that a reasonable person would consider likely to compromise his or her objectivity. A real conflict interest occurs when a reasonable person would consider that a situation has arisen and an individual's objectivity has been compromised and it carries risks for adverse effects. In both cases, the conflict must be identified to enable us to assess the magnitude of the threat and to be able to prevent, mitigate or manage the associated risks.

Conflicts of interest recognized in the centers may involve the TCP organization or its workforce to act for interests that differ from those of our rewarding organization and our stakeholders. The recognized TCP and its workforce must avoid any behavior or choice that could potentially represent a conflict of interest. Our senior officials have identified the following acts as potential or actual conflicts of interest of the TCP and / or its workforce. Conflicts that could have negative effects on the release of products and or damage the interest of students and stakeholders. TCPs and your workforce must not:
• engaging in leadership, management, administration, learning, assessment or quality assurance activities where objectivity or confidentiality are compromised
• engage in leadership, management, administration, learning, assessment or quality assurance activities associated with a family member, close relative, friend, or colleague without prior agreement. In certain circumstances, this may be agreed upon where there is no other opportunity for the family member to participate in training or assessment and, in these cases, external quality assurance interventions will be implemented. The conflict must be reported to allow this activity to start
• participate in the performance of evaluation or quality assurance activities where there is a personal interest in the result of the evaluation
• participate in the performance of internal quality assessment and control activities for the same cohort of learners
• participate in activities that compromise the recognized center or the legality of the contracting organization
• participate in activities that compromise the status of the recognized center or the regulated status of the contracting organization and compliance with the general conditions of recognition.

As a recognized TCP center, we expect you to disclose any conflicts associated with your organization and workforce at the recognition request stage, at any point in the annual cycle when circumstances change and that could impact your integrity or annual basis upon our request to proactively remind you of your obligations.

Our team of experts is on hand to help TCP identify conflicts of interest, implement controls, and maintain and monitor our registry. Where any individual associated with your workforce identifies a perceived or actual conflict of interest, we ask that you report it to us so that we can investigate the situation and mitigate any adverse effects.
Our policy, processes, systems and service levels are subject to annual and ongoing review. Your satisfaction is critical to our success and we are grateful for your commitment. All positive indicators will be collected and published every year. Any negative indicators will be subject to immediate validation of information, investigations and corrective actions where required.
Our policy, processes, products, systems and services are subject to immediate review upon receipt of valid incident or inefficiency reports. Please notify us of any incidents relating to these or if you have information that compromises the validity and accessibility of a product.
We will validate the information and analyze any situation that may have an adverse effect or where there is an opportunity for improvement. This can in turn lead to changing our approach to a specific product itself. We will acknowledge reports confirming timing and details for any investigation within five business days