Values Charter Educational
- Category: Uncategorised
- Published: Friday, 11 October 2019 18:44
- Written by Super User
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Values Charter Educational Youth aged 15 nell'a..d. 2035 |
Considering that the recognition of the Dignity of Man as such constitutes the actual foundation of Liberty and Humanity, considered as acceptance and sharing with the Other;
Considering that the contempt and, nowadays, the ignorance of human rights have resulted in the acceptance of barbarous acts which outrage and disavow the conscience of mankind;
Considering that happiness was proclaimed the highest aspiration and purpose of the research of Persons;
Considering it is essential that human rights are protected by rules of law, so that we can avoid the forms of rebellion and violence, as they would negate Humanity in Persons;
Considering it is essential to promote the development of cooperation among persons;
Considering that the United Nations have stated and shared their faith in fundamental human rights to allow the best growth and the best physical, intellectual and moral development;
Considering that a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is essential for physical, intellectual and moral growth in harmony with the Other;
we hereby proclaim
this Charter of Values as a concrete proposal, the purpose of laying the groundwork today for the men of the future. Those who will turn 15 in 2035 will have, finally, the highest degree of understanding of such issues and will be able to apply them in everyday life. Target to be achieved by each Man, in order to achieve effective growth of humanity, solidarity and acceptance of the Other. So that we can finally feel "European Citizens of the World" it is essential to accept the current multicultural reality. The ability to achieve this goal is determined by the commitment of every Man to promote, through Education, the rights of everyone, and to recognize the dignity of the Other.
Article 1 All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood, solidarity and sharing. The recognition of the dignity of the other is the basis for understanding external reality.
Article 2 Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person. All human beings who are not able to protect themselves, especially children, must be protected by other people who have the moral responsibility to free any individual in distress from all abuses and all internal and external circumstances that may harm their physical, moral and spiritual integrity.
Article 3 Every human being as such is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set out in this Charter of Values. Every freedom necessarily entails a responsibility towards oneself and others, as duty cannot be expunged from the path of freedom. Freedom must be understood as a property of the will of all rational beings
Article 4 Everyone has the right to his or her physical and mental integrity. The law may in no case violate the limits imposed by the respect for the human person. In the fields of medicine and biology, the following should be respected: a. the free and informed consent of the person concerned in the manner set out by law; b. right to self-determination of the person concerned, since all forms of abuse results in a failure to respect the dignity of individuals and their responsibility and freedom.
Article 5 No one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. The re-educative purpose of punishment is essential in order to reintegrate the person concerned in society.
Article 6 Every human being is called to cooperate in harmony with others, faithful to the values of respect, solidarity and brotherhood in the pursuit of personal and collective growth geared toward the communion of peoples.
Article 7 Sport plays an important social role because it makes a positive contribution to European growth, social cohesion and employment opportunities for citizens. The dimension of sport has therefore the responsibility to prevent and combat violence and intolerance, to improve the health and well-being of human beings, and to make a socially useful contribution to the dimension of multicultural integration.
Article 8 Every human being as such has duties toward the community. The knowledge and application of human rights are essential to act responsibly toward oneself and others. It is therefore necessary to recognize the system of lifelong learning based on the respect of these rights.
Article 9 Every human being is responsible for the protection and exploitation of natural resources. Their interdependence in the economic, social and institutional dimension can meet the needs of present generations and avoid compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development is, therefore, compatible with both the evolution of heritage and natural resources and with the recognition of human dignity and freedom.
Article 10 Every human being has the duty to live in society, to learn, share and respect the laws governing relations between those who are part of it. Respect for the law does not involve an uncritical and passive attitude, but stems from the awareness that if unjust or no longer instrumental to the needs of the moment, rules, regulations and laws can be changed. Educating young people to become responsible citizens is the task of teachers, educators and family.
Article 11 Every human being has the right to freedom of opinion and expression including the right not to be harassed for their opinions. Freedom of expression and information includes the freedom and right to receive information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of borders.
Article 12 Everyone has the right and responsibility to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. It is essential that these representatives bear in mind that "where those represented are present, their representative ceases." The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures.
Article 13 Every human being has the right to receive an educational offering capable of realizing their physical, moral, intellectual and spiritual growth so that they can freely help themselves and others in the pursuit of prosperity, well-being and happiness.
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