TCP complaints

We are committed to providing high quality service to all interested parties and are confident in delivering exceptional service. However, if an individual believes that they have experienced a level of service that is below our expectations in line with published standards, strategy, policy or process, a complaint may be reported to customer service. In completing the report, it is important to provide:
• full description of the complaint, including subject, dates, times and any reference numbers, if known
• names of all persons involved in the matter
• the names of the people you have dealt with
• copies of any documents or letters related to the complaint.
Evidence supporting the complaint to facilitate an effective assessment of the situation should be forwarded by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will confirm receipt of a complaint within five business days and will aim to investigate the complaint in accordance with the U.P.K.L. within 20 working days. Where the complaint is more complex, we will extend this time period and provide an update or result within or every 20 business days.
Investigations are conducted rigorously and objectively by an independent person of appropriate competence who has no personal interest in the result. This serves to prevent conflicts and to maintain objectivity in investigative activities. In situations where a complaint has been upheld or where an investigation following notification by a regulator indicates a failure in our processes, we pay due attention to the outcome and take appropriate action. If you are unsatisfied with our response to your complaint, you can request a procedural appeal.