Ospitaletto: City of the education of the Human Rights

  • Category: Header
  • Published: Thursday, 05 December 2019 10:58
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 2917

On Monday 25 November the Bergamini multipurpose hall in Ospitaletto di Brescia hosted a high-quality meeting at the end of a five-night special course - the same number of consecutive Mondays - promoted by the Ospitaletto Municipal Administration and UPKL, an international association based in Brussels which promotes the figure of the European Social Sport Coach in compliance with the promotion of Human Rights in European Union countries in the fields of Arts, Professions, Professions and Sports Disciplines.
The course was attended by 19 operators who have obtained the certification of European Social Sport Coach, together with 9 companies in the area that have received the plaque that certifies the conduct in respect of Human Rights.

At the end of the evening, animated by the performances of two artists such as Marcia Sedoc and Ausilia Minasi in accordance with the Day against violence against women, the city of Ospitaletto was awarded the plaque of "European City of Education for Human Rights", delivered to first citizen Giovanni Battista Sarnico, flanked by the councilor for Sport Massimo Reboldi, who spent a lot of time on the initiative, in agreement with Francesco Bonometti, President of the Coordination of Sports Associations of the territory.
The Ospitaletto appointment saw the adhesion of the Chief of Staff of the Prefecture of Brescia, Dr. Stefano Simeone and the Honorable Alfredo Bazoli, in addition to Dr. Alessandro Felloni, president of the Italian Institute for Quality Certification. All applauded the new identity of Ospitaletto, the first Italian city that promotes the education of young people under the heading of Human Rights, in compliance with the Recommendations of the European Commission XG HEPA which since 2015 has sanctioned the educational turning point in the sign of Human Rights.
The course illustrated by Corrado Genova, General Secretary of U.P.K.L. highlighted the value, attributed and recognized by the European Commission, of the European Social Sport Coach program tool for realizing the social model of Active Communities, articulated by Active Systems in Active Environments inhabited by Active Citizens who base the reports on the respect of the Human rights.
Corrado Genova has made visible the spirit of the Sport-Education binomial, sealing the social pact between young people and institutions through the handover of the "European City of Human Rights Education" plaque by U.P.K.L. to the very young sportsmen of Ospitaletto, to the Mayor.
A sign: Human Rights the normality of the good.