Shaolin Temple meets UPKL

  • Category: Header
  • Published: Friday, 07 January 2022 01:05
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 7816

Shaolin Culture meets the European institution UPKL.
A message to the world to support cultural and social integration.




The Shaolin millenary culture, World Heritage Site, represented by the Abbot of the Shaolin Temple, the Chinese monk Shi Yonxing has entertained a private conversation for about 40 minutes with the General Secretary of UPKL, Mr. Corrado Genova.
On the contents of the meeting that took place some time ago (December 23rd, 2019) at the behest of the parties, strict confidentiality has been maintained for a long time. We all know the climate of cordiality and the commitment to develop a collaboration based on sharing the universal values of Peace and Fraternity.

Read more: Shaolin Temple meets UPKL

Many operational news for UPKL

  • Category: Header
  • Published: Wednesday, 23 June 2021 15:56
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 5706

Many operational news for UPKL

On Wednesday, June 16, 2021, the UPKL General Assembly formalized the new Statute through the Secretary General, its legal representative.
BRUSSELS - June 23, 2021 - PRLog -- On Wednesday, June 16, 2021, the UPKL General Assembly - International non-profit association based in Brussels, former observer member of the XG HEPA Commission - formalized the new Statute through the Secretary General, its legal representative.
The amendments expand the constitutive and founding powers of the institution, allowing the exercise of activities at university level and the release of regulated state qualifications valid within the European Union.

Soon the publication of the first three-year and master's degree courses in sports sciences, which will offer new graduates immediate insertion in the TCP structures recognized by UPKL for the provision of training courses for European Social Sport Coaches.

In the sector of professions, UPKL is among the first European institutions authorized to issue the qualification of qualified Real Estate Agent in accordance with UNI 11558: 2014 and UNI 11612: 2015 as an Expert Evaluator of Real Estate Properties with professional qualification EPC - European Professional Card.

For information on the UPKL training and professional offer, write to:
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Sergio Meda - Vice President, Director of Communications and Institutional Relations

Corrado Genova
General Secretary
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  • Category: Header
  • Published: Sunday, 04 April 2021 13:55
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 3659

Politique de confidentialité pour UPKL aisbl

Chez sport-education, accessible depuis, l'une de nos principales priorités est la confidentialité de nos visiteurs. Ce document de politique de confidentialité contient des types d'informations collectées et enregistrées par sport-education et comment nous les utilisons.

Si vous avez des questions supplémentaires ou avez besoin de plus d'informations sur notre politique de confidentialité, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

Read more: Privacy

Le ministère belge de la Justice approuve la modification du statut de l'UPKL

  • Category: Header
  • Published: Sunday, 31 October 2021 17:35
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 8115
BRUSSELS - Oct. 31, 2021 - PRLog -- Le 29 septembre 2021, le Ministère belge de la Justice a pris l'arrêté approuvant la modification du statut de l'UPKL, organisme déjà reconnu comme AISBL (Association internationale sans but lucratif) le 15 janvier 2014.

Les modifications des statuts se réfèrent a l'augmentation des activités dans le domaine de la formation. Concrètement, le démarrage des processus de création de l'Université de droit privé, dont le siège est à Bruxelles, est autorisé. L'agrément accorde l'ouverture de bureaux opérationnels dans tous les pays membres de l'Union européenne.

L'acte établit l'élargissement de l'espace juridique et culturel pour promouvoir l'enseignement des droits de l'homme et les compétences clés de la citoyenneté européenne active: facteurs indispensables pour relever les défis de l'économie verte et pour maintenir la cohésion sociale, la paix et renforcer l'État de droit .

On 29 September 2021, the Belgian Ministry of Justice issued the decree approving the modification of the UPKL statute, an instutution already recognized with legal personality of AISBL (International non-profit association) on 15 January 2014.

The amendments to the articles of association refer to the increase of all activities in the training field. Specifically, the start of the processes for the establishment of the University of private law, with registered office in Brussels, is authorized. The approval grants the opening of operational offices in all member countries of the European Union.

The act establishes the enlargement of the legal and cultural space to promote the teaching of Human Rights and the key competences of European Active Citizenship: indispensable factors to face the challenges of the Green Economy and to maintain social cohesion, peace and strengthen the rule of law.

Il 29 settembre 2021 il Ministero della Giustizia del Belgio ha emesso il decreto che approva la modifica dello statuto UPKL, ente già riconosciuto con personalità giuridica di AISBL (associazione Internazionale no profit) il 15 gennaio 2014.

Le modifiche dello statuto sono riferite all'incremento delle attività in campo formativo. Nello specifico è autorizzato l'avvio dei processi per la costituzione dell'Università di diritto privato, con sede legale in Bruxelles. L'approvazione concede l'apertura di sedi operative in tutti i Paesi membri dell'Unione Europea.

L'atto sancisce l'allargamento dello spazio giuridico e culturale per promuovere l'insegnamento dei Diritti umani e delle competenze chiave della Cittadinanza Attiva Europea: fattori irrinunciabili per affrontare le sfide della Green Economy e per mantenere la coesione sociale, la pace e rafforzare gli stati di diritto.
more information on UPKL by clicking on the URL

Media Contact
Corrado Genova - General Secretary
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A New Institutional Approach to Martial Arts

  • Category: Header
  • Published: Friday, 11 June 2021 11:06
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 5390

A New Institutional Approach to Martial Arts

The degrees of the Black Belts (DAN) of the martial arts issued by UPKL via EUROPASS, the EU portal
BRUSSELS - June 11, 2021 - PRLog --
UPKL is an international association based in Belgium that promotes the figure of the European social sports coach. UPKL has begun issuing the prestigious Black Belts up to 5 Dan and Red or White-Red Belts for higher grades, up to 10 Dan, depending on the martial art.

The title of Black Belt is issued through EUROPASS, the portal of the European Union that guarantees the interoperability of professional qualifications between the states of the European Community and the countries that have joined or signed treaties for the free exchange of services and people. Read more: A New Institutional Approach to Martial Arts

Lo sport in funzione educativa in nome dei Diritti Umani

  • Category: Header
  • Published: Saturday, 13 March 2021 12:52
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 2769

“Giovani per l’Europa: educati al benessere dalla Buona Scuola”: un tema d’attualità posto al centro di un convegno proposto da una realtà internazionale come U.P.K.L e rivolto a dirigenti sportivi, insegnanti, protagonisti del mondo della scuola e dello sport nel nostro Paese. Di scena, all’Itis B. Cavalieri di Milano, lo Sport Educazione, la nuova dimensione voluta dall’Unione Europea nel quadro del progetto “Educazione dei giovani attraverso lo sport”, ispirato dal Consiglio d’Europa e fatto proprio dalla Commissione HEPA che nel giugno 2015 ha emanato una Raccomandazione che sancisce la volontà degli Stati Membri a consolidare la Pace tra i popoli attraverso l’educazione alla consapevolezza dei Diritti Umani. 

Read more: Lo sport in funzione educativa in nome dei Diritti Umani